1. Do the prices on the website include VAT?
    Of course, all prices on the website already include VAT.
  2. If I can’t place the order due to connection or server problems, how can I order?
    If you want to place an order but find it difficult to forward it due to connection or server problems, you can still order what you want.
    Send us an email to info@billiardshopgroup.com with the indication of the items you want to buy (code, size, quantity, preferred form of payment, delivery address, telephone number), we will forward the order and confirm it by email.
  3. Can I cancel an order placed?
    Certainly but is limited on the day you made the order before the 14:00, since we ship the same day.
  4. What to do upon receipt of the ordered goods?
    When the courier makes the delivery you will have to check:
    1) That the package is intact, not damaged or wet and in any case compliant with the standard characteristics of a package;
    2) That the number of packages (number of packages) indicated on the transport documents label corresponds to the number of packages actually delivered;
    N.B.: Any complaints must be raised immediately with the carrier; in the absence of these, the product is considered delivered correctly.
  5. What happens if the ordered product is out of stock?
    If for extraordinary reasons, upon receipt of the order, one or more items are not available Billiardshopgroup will immediately contact the customer by e-mail informing him of any longer waiting times to find the desired item and/or will offer the customer items which, are equivalent to those ordered.